Usage Model


Note that this documentation is supplementary only. The JUMBL includes a comprehensive user's guide. This user's guide is currently the only documentation of the EMML and TGL languages.
The JUMBL FAQ contains answers to common questions and ways to address common problems.

The Model Language (TML) is the standard language for describing Markov chain usage models and automated test information.

The Model Markup Language (MML) is an XML extension for describing Markov chain usage models.

The Test Case Markup Langauge (TCML) is an XML extension for describing test cases.

The Quick User's Guide describes the most commonly-used commands in the order in which one would typically use them. This is, of course, no substitute for the comprehensive user's guide.

The Command Line Guide describes all the JUMBL commands and their switches and arguments. This information is also available from the JUMBL command line using the --help switch.

The Statistics Guide lists the statistics included in the JUMBL's model analysis report, and explains the significance of each.

The Test Statistics Guide lists the statistics included in the JUMBL test analysis report and explains the significance of each.